Cau Cau bridge in Chile
Feb 02/2024 – Projects, Tech and Innovation

The Cau Cau Bridge, Chile

The Cau Cau Bridge, located in Valdivia, Chile, represents the nation’s first bascule bridge, marking a significant milestone in Chile’s transportation infrastructure.

One of the main challenges involved finding an appropriate mechanism for opening and closing the bridge’s two sections. This solution was provided by Hebetec Engineering AG in Switzerland.

The bridge is now operational, featuring a computer-monitored strand jack system on both banks. Each system is equipped with two HA-600 strand jacks, each boasting a capacity of 6’000 kN. The bridge has been officially opened.

Special thanks are extended to all those involved, especially the Rigeltech construction team.

Cau Cau bridge in Chile
Cau Cau Bridge in Chile