Galecopper Bridge Renovation
Jul 07/2024 – Projects

Galecopper Bridge Renovation

Hebetec is working alongside the JV Freyssinet NL / Freyssinet International on the renovation of the Galecopper Bridge in the Netherland, under the watchful eye of  Rijkswaterstaat across the street. 😉

We are currently working on the first tensioning cable exchange, utilizing Swiss heavy lift equipment such as HPU, H-70 & H-200 strand jacks, and specific hangers.

On-site, we have deployed a Hebetec Supervisor, working closely with the Freyssinet team to oversee the installation of the strand jacks, which will temporarily take over the tension in the bridge cables during the exchange process.

Galecopper Bridge Renovation
Galecopper Bridge
Galecopper Bridge 2